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        Welcome To Jinagyin Tongda Machinery Equipment Co..Ltd

        Your present position:Home > ProductProduct

        CF Series hammer mill

        The main purpose

            The machine is suitable for pharmaceutical, chemical, food and other industries material crushing.  


            This machine is a hammer mill, the material from the hopper into the crushing chamber by feeding spiral, crushed and pulverized to obtain high-speed rotation of the hammer. Crushing chamber water cooling jacket, The machine is simple structure, easy to assemble and clean the grinding chamber, and the machine uses stainless steel material, so that the crushed material is more in line with GMP requirements.  

        CopyRight @ 2019 Jinagyin Tongda Machinery Equipment Co..Ltd
        Add:Manshui Village Zhutang Town Jiangyin Jiangsu Province
        Tel: (0)13701526171 ???Yan yongjin
        Fax :0510-86382569