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        Welcome To Jinagyin Tongda Machinery Equipment Co..Ltd

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        WF series universal grinder


            The relative motion of the machine chainring and use activities between fixed tooth plate, so that was crushed by the teeth of the impact of the combined effects of friction materials and their impact, etc. get crushed. The machine structure is simple, sturdy, stable operation, crushing effect is good, being crushed material can be discharged directly from the grinding chamber, particle size by replacing different aperture sieve to obtain another machine for stainless steel. All the inner wall of the housing machined to achieve a smooth surface, changing the previous models rough wall, the phenomenon of accumulated powder to make medicine, food, chemical and other production more in line with national standards, meet GMP requirements.  

        CopyRight @ 2019 Jinagyin Tongda Machinery Equipment Co..Ltd
        Add:Manshui Village Zhutang Town Jiangyin Jiangsu Province
        Tel: (0)13701526171 ???Yan yongjin
        Fax :0510-86382569