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        Welcome To Jinagyin Tongda Machinery Equipment Co..Ltd

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        ZS Series Vibration square sifter

        Main purpose:

            The machine is suitable for pharmaceutical, chemical, food, feed, construction and other industries, the ideal equipment and silt particles layered screening and grading.

        How it works:

            The machine is composed of screen box, the vibration source and absorber three major components. Vibrating frame and screen enclosures, there are 4-12 group soft rubber shock absorber set up and down the country. Centrifugal force, there is a floating damper control amplitude, so that the material down hierarchical sieved so as to achieve the best job requirements needed. The machine for fiber, viscosity, higher humidity easily blocked mesh material can be successfully screened.

        CopyRight @ 2019 Jinagyin Tongda Machinery Equipment Co..Ltd
        Add:Manshui Village Zhutang Town Jiangyin Jiangsu Province
        Tel: (0)13701526171 ???Yan yongjin
        Fax :0510-86382569