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        Welcome To Jinagyin Tongda Machinery Equipment Co..Ltd

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        GFGQ-100 type efficient boiling dryer


           Apply to dry pharmaceutical, chemical, food, light industry particulate material, and for powder and viscous materials and heat-sensitive materials dry, dry with a variety of functions. Is the twenty-first century advanced drying equipment.


        First, the device application of heat of the gas flow fluidized bed drying material, drying speed, temperature uniformity, hot air through the filtering process, in line with "GPM" requirement.

        Second, the host drier air heater, Fan temperature-controlled devices are supporting the supply. Dryer drum using jacking cylinder, has a simple structure, convenient operation, reliable sealing.

        Third, within the barrel with a stirrer and a special air distribution plate so that no dead in the bed. A bottom flap of material, so that the material or cleaning drums are easily and quickly.

        CopyRight @ 2019 Jinagyin Tongda Machinery Equipment Co..Ltd
        Add:Manshui Village Zhutang Town Jiangyin Jiangsu Province
        Tel: (0)13701526171 ???Yan yongjin
        Fax :0510-86382569