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        Welcome To Jinagyin Tongda Machinery Equipment Co..Ltd

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        ZG series vibrating fluidized bed drying (cooling) machines


            Suitable for chemical, pharmaceutical, food, beverage, seeds, slag and other sectors of powdery granular materials drying, cooling, by industry, and also for simultaneous drying and cooling and humidifying the job.


        A vibrating tip is to use the vibration motor drive, smooth operation, easy maintenance, low noise and long life.

        2, the flow of symmetry, no dead gaps and broken phenomenon can obtain uniform drying, cooling, humidification products.

        3, adjustable resistance, wide adaptation. Material thickness and movement within the machine speed and full amplitude can be adjusted steplessly.

        4, the surface of the material damage, can be used to dry brittle materials, material particles does not affect the effect of irregular work.

        5, using the full closure of the structure, effectively prevent cross-infection and ruin the material gas, the working environment clean, continuous production.

        6, high mechanical efficiency and thermal efficiency, energy-saving effect, than the average dry settings can save 30% -60%.

        CopyRight @ 2019 Jinagyin Tongda Machinery Equipment Co..Ltd
        Add:Manshui Village Zhutang Town Jiangyin Jiangsu Province
        Tel: (0)13701526171 ???Yan yongjin
        Fax :0510-86382569